Tour My Pantry



I submitted this article over at one of my favorite blogs to support Mavis’s effort to raise money for food pantries. You can click HERE and head over to One Hundred Dollars a Month to read about how I stock our pantry. Enjoy! :)

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  1. Lace Faerie says:

    I followed your guest post over from Mavis’ blog and enjoyed reading about your pantry. Congratulations on your new babe! Such a wonderful, busy time of life! I look forward to exploring your past posts.
    My sister grinds her own wheat for bread, too! It’s amazing! When our children were little and we were managing life on one income, we used to have fresh baked bread (store bought flour) with butter and homemade strawberry jelly for dinner one night a week as one of our meatless dinners. The kids thought it a big treat!

  2. Hi from a fellow upstate NY’er! (Capital Region) I found your blog through your post on Mavis’s blog, and look forward to reading future posts!

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