Tour My Pantry

  I submitted this article over at one of my favorite blogs to support Mavis’s effort to raise money for food pantries. You can click HERE and head over to One Hundred Dollars a Month to read about how I stock our pantry. Enjoy! FacebookPinterestE-mail

Organizing Spices and Herbs with Mason Jars

I’m always trying to find ways to use what I have on hand to make my home more organized or to give it that homemade comfy feeling. I don’t do a lot of decorating. I find that it usually just adds more for me to dust and more for me to pack if/when we move. I try to keep it simple. So when I do decide to have something displayed in my home (spices/herbs in this case), I really try to make it functional, practical, and pleasing to the eye.   I have this shelf in my kitchen that doesn’t really have a purpose. At first glance, it appears to just scream, “SPICE RACK!”. The odd thing, though, is that the previous owner had installed a pull out spice rack inside one of the kitchen cabinets. Did they have two spice racks or something? I’m not sure. As our family has grown, though, I’ve realized that this unclaimed shelf in my kitchen functions better for me as a spice rack than the small pull out option. I like to buy my spices and herbs in bulk, meaning that I need space for larger containers. Mason jars are usually perfect for this purpose. I saw this post on Keeper of the Homestead, and just had a lightbulb moment. I’m really pleased with how it has turned out. Everything is right at my fingertips while I cook and bake, and I had all of the materials on hand. I just used various mason jars, and made little labels out of card stock cut into 1in by 1.5 inch rectangle, and then covered them with packaging tape. I love […]

Spring Cleaning Planning with Evernote- Kitchen

Admittedly, my gusto for spring cleaning has sort of peter’d out. Between some health drama that cropped up last month, a minor surgery last week, and the fact that it’s beautiful out and I just want to play in the garden … cleaning house is the LAST thing on my mind. Thankfully I had this list done before the snow melted, so I’m able to just check items off as I complete them. As unmotivated as I feel about cleaning right now, it really does feel good to get some things done that I’ve been meaning to get to! Here’s my Spring Cleaning- Kitchen Edition list (You can find the bathroom checklist right here): FacebookPinterestE-mail

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