Drying Rack review and Discount Code



Any mama, and especially mamas of many, knows that laundry is a big deal. It’s never done, and it can pile up on you … fast! There’s an added complication when you desire to hang dry all or most of your laundry. And there are many reasons why someone would want to line dry laundry. Self-sufficiency, utility bill savings, gentler on fabrics etc.  It’s no biggie when the sun is shining and you can use an outdoor clothesline, but for the months of rain and snow, what’s a mama to do?

I’ve tried these

and this

and one of these thingamabobs

They’ve all worked…for a time. And then they sagged or fell apart. The fact of the matter is, it’s hard to find well made drying racks these days. It’s even harder to find LARGE drying racks….something large enough for a family of 7, and sturdy enough to handle daily use.

And then, I discovered the Homestead Drying Rack company. I read a few reviews from other bloggers…and I trusted them because I’d read their blogs for a good long while. At the time, Erin and her husband from Keeper of the Homestead owned the business and her husband built the drying racks. These days, Kristy and her husband own the Homestead Store and Kristy’s hubby builds them. I was totally flabbergasted when Kristy contacted me and asked if I’d like to try out a drying rack of my choosing for review. I’d wanted one of these racks for such a long time, and God answered my prayers!! He is so good.

I tried the Homesteader Rack. I usually run 2-3 loads of laundry a day, so the bigger the better.

What I LOVE about my Homesteader Drying Rack:

  • It’s sturdy. It’s really, really sturdy. It doesn’t lean when I put heavy towels or blankets on it. The dowels don’t sag either. Thankfully I’ve been able to avoid having any kids climb on it (so far), but I’m pretty sure it would even survive an occasional stealth-climber.
  • It’s BIG. I’m known for over-packing my washing machine. Drives my husband nuts, but can you blame me? I’m washing for 7 people, 2 in cloth diapers. I want to wash as much laundry per load as possible. But even my over sized loads don’t completely fill up this rack. I still had 2 1/2 free bars. It’s lovely.
  • I can tell this is something that’s going to last a long, long time. I can see my kids squabbling over who gets mom’s drying rack when I’m old and gray.
  • The V-Construction is great because the dowels are staggered (as opposed to being directly on top of each other like in accordion style racks) allowing for better airflow because the items on the rack aren’t touching.
  • It’s a handmade item built by another family that loves homesteading. Kristy, her husband, and their 5 kiddos live on a farm and have been homesteading for 20 years. I’d so much rather support a beautiful, hardworking family than a big box store any day.
  • While it’s strong and sturdy, it’s still lightweight enough to move around very easily.
  • While it’s been sunny and mid-70’s here lately (perfect clothesline weather), I’ve found myself just using the drying rack. I have 5 kids ages 7 and under, including a 3 month old infant and a 2 year old. Sometimes it’s easier just be able to hang things inside rather than load everyone up and take them outside.


What I didn’t love:

  • Not much. It took my husband a bit to figure the instructions out, but once he got the concept, it went pretty quickly. Just don’t try to do it in a dimly lit room after you’ve worked a 12 hour day in hot, muggy weather. It might make you crabby.  (It’s all good now, though. He said he loves the rack and would have no problem putting another one together).
  • The instructions say that a hammer and white candle are optional. I’d say they’re necessary. The dowels are designed to fit very tightly into the holes. When you first go to put this thing together, you’re apt to think that somebody measured wrong. We used a hammer and some beeswax rubbed on the ends (you can use a candle or even a bar of white soap) of the dowels to make them go in smoother. It makes a HUGE difference. I wouldn’t want to put one of these together without a hammer and wax. And once you get it together and use it, you realize that the tightly fitting dowels are totally an asset to the rack. I’ve experience loosely fitting dowels in cheap-o racks I’ve bought in the past and it’s a complete nightmare. First they start spinning in the holes, which doesn’t seem like a big deal until the cheap/fake wood dowel starts to warp, and then they just start falling out as you’re trying to hang your laundry. Trust me. Don’t go there.

I’m pretty sure when our gas dryer dies, I won’t feel a need to replace it, thanks mostly to this awesome drying rack. I wholeheartedly recommend them!

 If you’re in the market for a drying rack, go to Homestead Drying Racks and use coupon code: growpraybuild and get 15% off your purchase! 😀

I have the Homesteader, which is the largest. If you have a smaller family, they have 4 other sizes including one that mounts to the wall.

drying rack


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This is a list of some of the awesome sites that I occasionally link my posts at. They’re all great blogs about anything from parenting, simple living, cooking, homesteading (backyard and large scale), gardening, Christian life, frugal living, etc. Strangers and Pilgrims on Earth- The Art of HomemakingBackyard Farming ConnectionGrowing Home- Growing HomemakersWildcrafting WednesdayHope in Every SeasonGreen Thumb ThursdayHome Acre HopFrom the Farm HopFront Porch FridayThe Modest Mom Blog, Nourishing Joy, Home Grown and Healthy, Hump Day Happenings, Living Well Spending Less. Homemade Mondays.


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  1. Wow – that’s an impressive drying rack!! I don’t think I’ve ever seen one that large, or that could hold so much weight!

  2. Is it weird that this is on my wish list and has been for a few years?! Because I live in Canada, shipping is ridiculous and I can’t really expect someone to bring me one across the border … 😉 … so alas, I will look at your images and wish …. ahhh, to dream of a drying rack ….!!

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